Memorial Day through Labor Day
The biggest Splash Pad in the area is free for anyone to enjoy!
The adjoining pavilion provides cool shade, picnic tables and restrooms!
There are also communal outdoor picnic areas and playgrounds!
Splash Park Rules
For the safety of our guests and cleanliness of our facilities, the following rules and policies must be followed:
- Parent must accompany children under four within splash pad
- Do not hang, swing or climb on water features
- No running, horseplay or profane language permitted in splash park or pavilion
- No outside toys, water balloons, confetti, glitter or tinsel allowed
- Food, drinks, glass or chewing gum are prohibited within splash pad area (Changing stations are located in pavilion restrooms)
- Proper attire must be worn at all times
- Footwear strongly recommended because of hot surface
- Non-Service animals prohibited
- Do not drink water from the water features
- Use of the water feature if ill with a contagious disease is prohibited
- Use of the water feature if ill with diarrhea is prohibited
- Changing diapers within 6 feet of the water feature is prohibited
- Infants and toddlers must wear swim diapers
Rental Policies
- Applicant/Renter must remain on premises at all times during rental period.
- No pets inside the splash park.
- Scooters, rollerblades and skateboards are not permitted within ANY area of Mineola Civic Center property.
- Glass containers are prohibited in Pavilion and Splash Park.
- Smoking, including Vape, and tobacco products are not permitted inside the fence of the Splash Pad or within 25 feet of the Peggy & Jack Jones Pavilion.
- No Firearms or Weapons Permitted
- Personal umbrellas, coolers, and chairs are not permitted in fenced area of Splash Park.
- Alcoholic or intoxicating substances of any kind are prohibited. The use of such substances will result in immediate expulsion and forfeiture of any and all fees. Future applications for pavilion and/or splash park rental will not be considered if previously ejected from any facility of Mineola Civic Center.
- Outside Vendors or Temporary Additions are not permitted. Any temporary additions to the inside or outside areas of the Splash Pad such as concession stands, mobile food or drink, ice cream/snow cone vehicles, tents, pony rides, temporary structures, or any other type of outside vendors will not be permitted due to damage that may be incurred to the property. Any outside vendor will be asked to leave the premises.
Hours of Operation
Sunday 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Monday 10:30 am – 6:00 pm
Tuesday 10:30 am – 6:00 pm
Wednesday 10:30 am – 6:00 pm
Thursday 10:30 am – 6:00 pm
Friday 10:30 am – 7:00 pm
Saturday 10:30 am – 7:00 pm
Please note water used in the splash park is chlorinated and re-circulated through a filtration system.
The Splash Pad may close due to unforeseen circumstances such as threatening or inclement weather, maintenance, mechanical or operational needs. In the event of closure, a “rain check” may be issued for private parties. No refunds will be given.
Church or School groups must be scheduled through the office of Mineola Civic Center located in Meredith Hall by calling 903-569-6115